Dental implants with natural teeth

Dental implants have become an increasingly popular choice in recent years. One of the main reasons for this is that they can be fitted around the natural teeth; without any need for taking any away.

A dental implant is secured into the mouth by means of a man made root. Because of this, implants don’t have to be integrated with the existing teeth like other treatments, such as bridge implants. This means that they are cleaner and easier to keep clean.

This kind of treatment allows the patient to replace a missing or damaged tooth whilst still retaining a natural look. Dental implants act as normal teeth, so there is no ‘settling in’ period or a pronounced feeling of having something artificial in the mouth. They also act as protectors of existing teeth, which can negate the need for further treatment of this kind in the future.

Does getting dental implants mean getting lots of extra work on the teeth?

Unlike other kinds of treatment to support or replace natural teeth, dental implants don’t require any removal or repositioning of the existing teeth. They are tailor made to mould to the natural teeth, which means that every patient gets implants which suit them perfectly.

Matching implants with natural teeth


People who opt for this kind of treatment want the end result to look as natural as possible. A good dentist will make the teeth look like a much better version of the original, and the implants will not be detectable.

To achieve the best result, the expert will take photographs of the teeth. These photographs are then examined in conjunction with shade charts to allow them to choose the best match for the dental implants. Ensuring that the colour and shape of the implant matches the existing teeth as closely as possible is a detailed process that requires an experienced professional; so it’s best to choose the treatment provider carefully.

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How to look after dental implants

Once the patient has been fitted with dental implants, the dentist will give detailed information on how to look after them. There will be specific instructions related to the period of time that the mouth and gums are recovering from treatment. It is very important that these are followed, especially to minimise the risk of any infections that can occur if the mouth, teeth and gums are not kept clean enough.

After the recovery period, dental implants don’t require any special care. Patients are advised to simply clean the teeth and remove debris between teeth as normal. It’s important to have a check up after the treatment to make sure all is well and healing is taking place. After that, it’s simply a matter of attending regular dental check-ups like any other patient.

Dental implants can be a suitable treatment for people who have missing, broken or misshapen teeth. Some good professionals offer same day implants, and there are variations such as Allon four implants and zygomatic implants. It’s worth taking to the dentist to find out about all the available options.

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By |2019-09-03T22:59:58+00:00September 3rd, 2019|Healthy Living|0 Comments

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