What are dental implants?

Dental Implants in Navan is a dental treatment that patients could benefit from to combat the issue of a missing tooth or indeed missing teeth. A gap left by a missing tooth can be filed by first prepping the jaw and then building a crown on top of an implant. Everything is designed to fit the mouth of the individual patient, to create the illusion of a natural tooth. This treatment has been tried and tested by dentists so it is a convenient and practical treatment for missing teeth that patients can trust. This treatment can replace teeth and cause the implants to act and feel like a natural tooth, this can allow patients to feel confident with their new smile at the same time as having a tooth that fulfils its designated purpose.

Why would I need dental implants?

Dental implants in Navan could offer patients a host of benefits should they choose to have this treatment completed on their teeth. Missing a tooth or teeth could lead to a lower amount of self-esteem and confidence. Therefore, having this treatment could do wonders for the mental health of those patients with missing teeth. In more physical benefits, having this treatment can improve the way patients chew their food. If a patient has missing teeth this could affect the bite of the person, this includes the way the teeth come together when pressed down. If teeth are missing this could lead to problems with the jaw as the pressure is not evenly distributed. With the use of this treatment, problems with the jaw could be alleviated. The benefits of this treatment is that the finished look of the teeth is very similar to the look of natural teeth. This treatment could be a good long-term solution to the dental issues of many patients. The way that food is eaten and the way that the teeth are cleaned does not change with the addition of this treatment.

How are dental implants fitted?

dental implants

This treatment follows a precise implantation guide in order to have the best effect on a patient’s new smile. The first step is to make a small cut into the gum, through this cut a titanium screw is inserted into the bone. The process of bonding the implant to the bone can take between 8 to 12 weeks. Once this bonding process has been completed then a custom-made abutment is made specifically to fit the mouth of the individual patient. A crown is then fitted to replace the missing tooth or indeed teeth in the mouth. Once the crown is attached to the post the process is complete. The crown is either screwed or cemented into place. This crown is made out of metal and porcelain and it can be moulded to replicate the shape and colour of the natural tooth. This allows the implant to look and act like a natural tooth so the patient can feel confident with their newly found smile. Post treatment implant therapy takes place to ensure that the implant is fitted correctly. Many patients have reported that this process feels almost like having their own tooth back.

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By |2020-08-13T23:54:06+00:00August 13th, 2020|Healthy Living|0 Comments

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